Importance of Installing EV Charging Points in UK Households

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Investing in electric vehicle (EV) charging points is becoming increasingly vital for households in the United Kingdom. With the growing popularity of EVs, having a charging point at home is becoming a necessity for many households. Not only does it provide a convenient way to charge an EV, but it also has the potential to save money on fuel costs and reduce carbon emissions. In this article, we will explore the reasons why investing in EV charging points is vital for UK households and how Infinity Energy can help them achieve this goal. 

One of the main reasons why investing in EV charging points is vital for UK households is the growing popularity of EVs. According to the Society of Motor Manufacturers and Traders, EV sales in the UK have been on the rise in recent years, with a 135% increase in EV registrations from 2018 to 2019. This trend is expected to continue as the UK government has set a goal of phasing out the sale of new gasoline and diesel cars by 2030. With more and more households owning EVs, having a charging point at home is becoming a necessity for many. 

Having an EV charging point at home also has the potential to save money on fuel costs. Charging an EV at home is often cheaper than charging at a public charging station, and it also allows households to take advantage of off-peak electricity tariffs, which can be significantly cheaper than peak tariffs. According to the National Grid, the average cost of charging an EV at home is around 4 pence per kWh, while the average cost of charging at a public station is around 7 pence per kWh. Investing in an EV charging point at home can also help households save money on fuel costs in the long run. 

Another reason why investing in EV charging points is vital for UK households is the potential to reduce carbon emissions. Transportation is a major contributor to greenhouse gas emissions, and EVs are a cleaner alternative to gasoline and diesel cars. According to the International Energy Agency, EVs produce around 50% fewer emissions than the average gasoline car, even when taking into account the emissions from the electricity used to charge them. By investing in an EV charging point at home, households can reduce their carbon footprint and do their part to fight climate change. 

Infinity Energy Organisation is a company that can help UK households achieve the goal of investing in EV charging points. We offer a wide range of EV charging solutions for households, including home charging points, workplace charging points, and public charging points. Their home charging points are designed to be easy to use, and they are compatible with all EV models. They also offer a range of tariffs, including off-peak tariffs, which can help households save money on fuel costs. 

In addition to offering EV charging solutions, Infinity Energy also provides professional installation and maintenance services. Our team of trained and certified technicians can install an EV charging point at a household’s property, ensuring that it is installed safely and correctly. They also offer maintenance services, which can help households keep their charging point in good working condition and ensure that it is always ready to charge an EV. 

Infinity Energy also provides great customer service, which is available to answer any questions or concerns that households may have about their EV charging point.  

In conclusion, investing in EV charging points is vital for UK households. With the growing popularity of EVs, having a charging point at home is becoming a necessity for many households. Not only does it provide a convenient way to charge an EV, but it also has the potential to save money on fuel costs and reduce carbon emissions. 

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