Complaints Policy
Complaints Policy (Infinity Energy Organisationt Ltd)
Please find a step-by-step guide of our complaint’s procedure and the process that Infinity Energy Organisation Ltd. follows when we receive a complaint from a customer.
Accessing the Green Deal Complaints procedure does not affect your statutory rights.
If you are not satisfied with the outcome of any resolutions that Infinity proposes, then you can contact the Green Deal Ombudsman Service please see point 11 below for full details.
- When a complaint first arrives, a member of staff will call the customer to acknowledge the complaint and fill out the customer complaint form. (GD-12). This will also need to be logged on the excel Complaint’s tracker.
- After the call Infinity Energy Organisation Ltd will send a complaints acknowledgement letter, which the customer should receive within 7 working days of the complaint being received. (GD-13).
- The complaint will be passed on to the relevant person within the department that the complaint relates to, to resolve or come to a decision regarding the complaint.
- Where the complaint is made in respect of a breach of the relevant requirements by the Green Deal Installer or Green Deal Assessor, the Infinity Energy Organisation’s complaints handling procedure must include a duty on Infinity Energy Organisation to:
- Obtain all necessary information from the relevant Green Deal Installer or Green Deal Assessor.
- Notify in writing to the Certification Body on whose membership list the Green Deal Installer or Green Deal Assessor is included.
- Depending on who the complaint is about, send the following form to the installer or the assessor (Installer response to Customer Complaint Form (GD-12.1) or Assessor response to Customer Complaint Form (GD-12.2)), they will need to reply with a response within 3 working days. They will then be given 7 working days to resolve the problem and respond with proof.
- Once we receive the Installer or Assessor’s response form, we will need to fill out the Follow up to Customer Complaint Form (GD12.3). We will need to call the customer and state the actions that have been taken by the Installer/Assessor to resolve the complaint.
- Ask if they are satisfied with the result. If the customer is satisfied with the result close the complaint.
If the customer is not satisfied with the result of the complaint this will need to be detailed on the form and then sent to the installer to be rectified by following the steps above.
Complaints Policy (Infinity Property Management Ltd)
Any complaint in relation to any aspect of our work where compliance with PAS 2030:2019 and PAS 2035 is intended to be, or has been, claimed, from any source, must be informed to the Quality Representative and Retrofit Coordinator without delay.
Ownership of a Complaint
Complaints may be received from a variety of sources and may be verbal or written. The Quality Representative should, in the first instance, ascertain the procedure to be adopted in the case of a particular complaint.
Standard Complaints Procedure
In the absence of any other agreements that may be in place regarding the handling of complaints that may have been made with any commissioning agents, the following procedure should be adopted:
When we receive a complaint, GD F11 – Complaint Form will be completed.
The complainant will be informed as to the next course of action or when they will be contacted to discuss the matter further. The Complaint Process is as follows:
- Relevant complaint form raised and passed to the Quality Representative;
- The Quality Representative or a person specifically instructed by the Quality Representative will contact the complainant within 1 working day, unless otherwise agreed, and advise on steps to be taken to address the issue;
- The Quality Representative will fully investigate the complaint, decide on the next course of action and record all relevant information;
- The issue should be rectified within the time-period agreed with the complainant, or the complainant should be contacted and a new timescale agreed;
- Once the issue is rectified this should be detailed on the complaint form;
- Whenever possible, we should try to obtain written confirmation that the complaint has been resolved to the satisfaction of the complainant. Any information received will be retained in the GD R06 – Complaints Record and a copy placed in the GD R01 -Project Folder for the installation concerned;
- The Complaint Form and any relevant information should be collated by the Quality Representative;
- The Quality Representative will enter the details of the complaint on GD R06 – Complaints Record under the same reference number as the Complaint Form. The log should be marked as to whether the complainant was satisfied with the outcome. Any evidence supporting the documented outcome should be retained within the GD R06 – Complaints Record;
- Preventative action should be considered to prevent a recurrence of this issue – this action should be recorded on the GD R02 Corrective and Preventive Action Record.
If the complaint cannot be rectified to the satisfaction of all parties, we are to refer it to our Scheme Provider who may then recommend an Alternative Dispute Resolution process, including referral to the Dispute Resolution Ombudsman (DRO) if required. If our Scheme Provider does not have an ADR in place, TrustMark may recommend or refer the dispute to independent mediators.
Any complaints records will be submitted to the Retrofit Coordinator upon request, and kept for a minimum of six years, or the length of the insurance backed guarantee.
Complaints Policy (Infinity Solar UK Ltd)
Note: It is a requirement of the RECC that we inform the domestic customer of our complaints procedure which must remain in compliance with Section 9 of the Renewable Energy Consumer Code.
When we receive a customer complaint an F11 – Customer Complaint Form shall be completed.
This will be passed to the MCS Nominee who should ensure that the details of the complaint have been entered on the R06 – Customer Complaint Record.
The allowed time for this complaint to be resolved will be established, and will, in relation to complaints received from domestic customers, conform to the RECC.
The process will include the following:
- F11 – Customer Complaint Form raised and passed to relevant person;
- Details of the complaint shall be transferred to the R06 – Customer Complaint Record;
- The domestic customer may use a consumer representative or observer to help deal with the complaint. Where this is the case the RECC requires that we must co-operate fully with this person;
- The person dealing with the complaint will consider the details of the complaint and report the findings clearly to the customer within 7 working days of receiving the complaint;
- Where appropriate we will arrange to inspect the customer’s system within seven days of receiving the complaint and within twenty four hours of receiving the complaint where a domestic customer is without heating or hot water as a result of the situation that has led to the complaint;
- The person dealing with the complaint will attempt to find an agreed course of action to resolve the complaint speedily and effectively to the customer’s satisfaction;
- Where the timescales for any agreed actions cannot be met, the customer shall be kept fully informed of the reasons for the delay and new timescales agreed;
- Where we not be able to resolve any complaints received from domestic customers the customer shall be informed that they should direct their complaint to the RECC administrator;
- Where a complaint is referred to the RECC administrator we are required to co-operate with any mediation being carried out between ourselves and the customer;
- In the event that the complaint cannot be resolved with the assistance of the RECC administrator’s complaint handlers either ourselves or the customer may request to use the mediation and independent arbitration services set out in sections
- 9.1 and 9.2 of the RECC. We will direct the customer to the RECC dispute resolution process which can be accessed via the RECC website, consumers tab then the ‘How to Complain’ section of the RECC website.
- Full details on the progress and outcome of the complaint should be detailed on the R06 – Customer Complaint Record;
- Any required corrective or preventive actions should be transferred to the R02 – Corrective and Preventive Action Record;
- The details of the complaint and the outcomes will be reviewed during the next Internal Review Meeting.
Green Deal Complaints
Where Green Deal work is involved, we are required to inform the Green Deal Provider of any complaints or findings that arise from the installation.
This shall include details of any customer issues that the GDP may be required to resolve or information that may impact other contractors carrying out the installation of other energy efficient
Hiber ASHP
Should you wish to make a complaint of a financial nature, please click the following link: